News archive
A couple of matches coming up for *AUS* -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Sunday, September 28 2003
*AUS* will this sunday be taking on [SASR] in a Stream CTF match. This should be a good clean game again, as is the norm with our mates at [SASR].
We will also be backing up again the next week, on our first non-weekend match. We will be taking on [VV] again on friday for some more Stream CTF action.
Good luck to all players concerned and may their be some good fun games!
*AUS* roster full. -- Posted by Ace on Wednesday, September 24 2003
*AUS* are happy to welcome suicidal*AUS* into the fold. Many of you may know him as suicidal ozzy in public servers. With this recruit, we are now oficially full.
In other news, the *AUS* server shall be passworded for special events soon to be developed. With our heavily admined servers it seems pointless to lock it up from many. To be a part of these community events please visit our forums and provide your email in the appropriate thread or PM.
*AUS* vs [SASR] Match Report. -- Posted by Ace on Wednesday, September 17 2003
Perhaps the first ever ATG clan match in Australia took place on the 14th of September. This was also the first match *AUS* has played since reviewing their match policy. [SASR] being a well established clan agreed on an ATG in Bahnar.
The first round kicked off without delay and with *AUS* as US first. The first few rounds belonged to *AUS* as our training in squad movement throughout the map payed off. However [SASR] soon developed a tighter defence and hit back scoring a couple of their own thanks to Ace getting himself pilot! Well done me lol! Eventually Ace's foot was yanked free from a rock and the the round was played through ending 6-2 to *AUS*.
The second round began strongly for [SASR] who stormed away with 2 quick points. The match was played with Black Death on and i got to experience the 'dark room' as some liked to call it while on VC. It was great to see friendly chat going on while everyone waited for the next round to begin. The 2nd round ended 6-3 to *AUS* and taking out the match 12-5. Well done to both teams.
It was a releif to finally have a clan match that was actually played in good spirit despite minor problems that may have surrounded it. Take note everyone that in this match 1 person from each side was dropped at one stage in the match and also got themselves stuck in the map. However the match continued without a murmour from both teams. I hope that all the new clans in the community take a page out of SASR's book, remember that matches are meant to be for fun and bickering over minor things should be avoided. Can't wait for our next match SASR all the best in future matches.
VC Map Editing tools released! -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Sunday, September 14 2003
Pterodon have released the public Beta version of their Map Editor for VC! You can make your maps now, but you won't be able to play them until either 1.4 patch of Fist Alpha.
Click here to download the editor from OGN
Click here to download the documentation on the editor from OGN
Have fun!
Roster Shakeup. -- Posted by Ace on Sunday, September 7 2003
The past couple of weeks have seen a few changes to the *AUS* lineup. Its been sad to see the likes of Gunther, Jios and Tenacity leave us but we're happy to announce the arrival of fresh blood, namely Curry and Unsavoury. We are still on the lookout for maybe 1 more recruit that can wield a mean sniper be sure to show your stuff in our Squad servers. :)
Together with these roster changes, *AUS* also adds to their server resources. Unsavoury has been nice enough to provide his server for the future *AUS* Community Server that will be passworded. Make sure you check our forums to be given the password for the cheat-free community servers. In the mean time the servers will be up throughout the weeks to come.
Look for:
*AUS* Public Server
Cya there guys.
IndianCountry Map Released! -- Posted by Ace on Sunday, September 7 2003
Well the time has come everyone. The new map is released to the public. Get your copy at any of these links:
*AUS* Server Password. -- Posted by Ace on Wednesday, September 3 2003
Hey everyone,
The player list is growing for the *AUS* server, so make sure you head to our forums (link on left) and provide an email address. Providing your an honest player, (no cheats/annoyance etc) then i'll promptly send the future server password. Also you will be added to the *AUS* Newsletter. Once the player list grows even more...then the password will be added to server so we can finally be free of cheats and annoying players in-game.
Being on the list will keep you updated on when the server is up as well as what map/modes are being played. We also would like those on the list to provide any suggestions on maps/modes so your game can be as enjoyable as possible.
The *AUS* squad.