News archive
Vietcong: First Alpha -- Posted by Camouflage on Tuesday, July 15 2003
Check out the news at:
Imposters & cheaters -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Monday, July 14 2003
It seems that some people just can't play the game like normal people do. The way it was meant to be played, they are the cheaters and the imposters from the community. Lately the Speed Hack has been popping up, the most common offender being 'Killdozer' this isnt just speculation, countless people have viewed this low life cheating it up in planet mirror. However, just because this one person decides he needs the gaming equivalent to training weels doesnt mean that everyone is or should follow suite. I urge you all just to vote him out of servers, rather than abuse him and anyone else who is killing you.
Then someone of equil ball-less-ness is the imposter that decides he wants to tarnish Ace's great reputation. This fella is going around by the name of 'Ace*AUS*' abusing people and playing very crappily, often Team Killing people. This person IS NOT THE REAL ACE, to find out if this person thats making comments about your mother is really our golden boy Ace, simply look at his ping. The imposter has a ping of a 56ker, usually in the 100's. Whereas Ace almost always pings under 100, unless of course everyone else's pings are skyrocketing due to the server. Ace*AUS* is on Optus Cable, the imposter is on 56k modem. Please vote this person out too - as long as you have checked the ping first.
Other clans are also suffering from imposterization, please check our forums for that information.
Thanks all,
*AUS* vs =]tAg[= -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Monday, July 14 2003
*AUS* recently took on the tactical assault group in an Arroyo CTF friendly match. The TAG guys are well known for excelling in battlefield and medal of honour, but this was their first game of vietcong as a clan, and they put in a valiant effort, *AUS* had lots of practics on this map and lots of keen players ready for a game. *AUS* immediately stepped up, catching TAG off guard and grabbing quite a few quick flags, 8 flags in total before the halfway point in map 1. As VC *AUS* pulled back to defend their flag, and with Ice Cannon making sole runs with his deggie, Ace sniping with the mosin nagant, beer baron sapperizing and then AK'ing, ranger with his AK and paul with his AK as well solidly defending the flag. Tag couldnt break through.
The next map saw a change in teams and another 4flags scored, gunther was the star grabbing 47 kills with his m1 garand.
Thanks for the game TAG it was enjoyable, and thanks for your admirable sportsmanship!
Games Arena Poll -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Sunday, July 13 2003
The Telstra Games Arena poll for this week is on which game they should support next with ladders. For those of you that dont know Games Arena runs servers for clan matches as well as public servers. These servers do not use any bandwidth for telstra broadband customers and are of high quality. Just what VietCong needs for its clan matches. To vote for VietCong login Here and vote on the left. Thanks for your support!
*AUS* vs =Oz= Match Report -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Tuesday, July 1 2003
The 29th of June saw the first round match against =OZ= finally getting underway on the Storm map. AUS were aware that this was to be one of the hardest matches to date. Struck with a few absentees AUS were still able to field the team of 7 for the first round consisting of Ace, Paul, Fate, Wildcat, Justice, Nads and Cow Killer. The round started with AUS on VC and unfortunately Ace lost the server on restart, however we kept the game playing to save time and he was soon back in the fray. The first 20mins of the round weren’t played to AUS’s best ability which was required against a team like OZ. However our well setup defence was able to hold off numerous insurgences by OZ until they eventually broke through and escaped with the flag with about 5minutes left of the map. AUS needed this more then ever as a wake up call and immediately got themselves relaxed and focussed on turning around the 1-0 defecit. AUS attackers charged towards the US flag and were able to arrive with 3 swarming the US bay. Fate made the flag run while Ace and Jusitce covered his getaway through the ravine. Ace stayed close to Fate and both were absolutely determined at bringing this flag home as it would be the last opportunity in round 1. At 2 separate times OZ were able to intrercept the two but they were able to take them down and score the cap with 34 seconds left on the clock.
Personally this was THE most intense VC experience I have ever had and the enjoyment was off the scale. Well done OZ.
Round 2 saw the start of a few server issues. A crash courtesy of the 1.2 patch started off the nightmare. However it was agreed to restart the round at 30minutes. The round took off and AUS finally looked like the team they are known to be and piled on the pressure. Ace made numerous runs into the VC bay picking off enemies while our defence held as strong as ever. This lasted for 20minutes in a similar fashion to the first round until our defence broke down in a sudden lapse of concentation and OZ scraped away with a cap that was nearly stopped 1 metre from their flag. However this didn’t not see the demise of AUS who almost immediately struck back, which I believe was in the very next minute. 2-2. 6 minutes were left on the clock and AUS really were looking menacing but also weary of OZ’s uncanny ability to strike hard and fast at any time. Suddenly it happened and 1.2 reared its ugly head with another server crash. Server was put up quick smart thanks to Kaj and his great help throughout the match. The mood in both camps must have been incredibly tense due to the closeness of the match. OZ asked if a draw could be done at this stage but soon realised a winner must be decided as this is a knockout tournament that the teams were competing in. 6 minutes was to be offered for the map restart but both OZ and AUS agreed 10minutes should be added. AUS personally saw the extra time to account for the vary in server crash time together with the time it takes for both teams to get setup throughout the Storm map. A few members from both clans wanted to see 6 minutes added but I concurred with Mr Grim that 10mins would be fine and after giving OZ sufficient time to sort out a dropped member the map restarted promptly. The map continued with the same vigour in which it had started. AUS grabbed the flag quickly but got cut down not to far from their own flag bay. The first 5minutes see-sawed in this way until OZ were able to complete the move and get the flag all the way back to their bay. 3-2. At 4:30 the server freezed up and crashed again in an almost spiteful way :p. AUS members all let out a big “ohhhhh f*ck” and some simply had to laugh at the situation that now presented itself. The ever ready Kaj was there to restart the server and both teams were now exhausted from battle and waiting for things like members not getting into the server and the time it took for things to be decided. Up until now AUS and I’m sure OZ as well were aware this battle was something quite epic. Unfortunately due the late hour (10pm) OZ insisted the match be finished now and they able to take the win. Obviously AUS after being sooo pumped throughout the match couldn’t see it ended in this way and the ‘discussion’ ineveitable spiralled into arguments. I hated to see such a match fall to this level but the emotion involved was an excuse for both teams. Trying to discuss what to do next was difficult as AS’s fell all around us (lol thanks Stryke X ;-) ), and not only the teams but the server admin was getting frustrated at the inability to reach a compromise. In the biggest anti-climax Kaj (rightfully so) had enough and could see the arguments were getting no where so he shut down the server.
TS channels/MSN/Icq were an ABSOLUTE nightmare but a decision needed to be reached so Ace and Grim began proper discussions in MSN. Grim saw the 5 minutes OF the 10minutes meant to be played after the second restart as sufficient time to account for the concluision of the match. However Ace insisted that 10minutes was agreed on and the full time should be played. The main reason for wanting to finish the last 5 minutes was due to the sudden nature of most of the caps throughout the match including the cap made in the last 60seconds of the first round. Nothing would be agreed on and unfortunately accusations of “poor sportsmanship” from various OZ members directed at Ace really intensified the situation that would not simply be around for this match but be around for the entire durations of OZ and AUS and VC community relations. Ace being an admin at The battleground was in quite a predicament as any decision he made using the power presented to him by TBG would leave a stain on OZ’s impression of us and TBG site as a whole. A quick conversation was had about this and the future of VC on TS amongst AUS and everyone decided to cop it on the chin and take the loss to save the bigger picture. It was exceptionally hard to do but it HAD to be done and I hope others can take a page from our book in future. I don’t feel the need to be modest here as it must be said and understood at how hard it is for the AUS clan to bow down without in our eyes a full match being played. I beg of OZ and my own clan members to show maturity and get passed this hiccup which hopefully will never be re-iterated with the new “stable” patches coming out.
Regarding the OZ conduct just before the final decision was made I will accept that it was fuelled by emotion and I’m sure AUS members weren’t angels in their conduct. I appreciate the apology once the decision was made and hope this sort of maturity can be continued. I’ve notifed all AUS members to face the fact that it is now an official lose regardless of the circumstances and time debate surrounding it and to also not taunt or flame when our clan paths cross, if they do PLEASE email me with the details.
If anything this match has brought out some great experiences for both clans and for others following on. If we can continue to battle and enjoy this game then this community is truly above any others which I have come across. I wish the best of luck to OZ in the most sincere way possible through type. You guys played at an extremely high level which lifted our own game to a higher level as well. Just to end I’d like to inform OZ and all other clans interested that more admins are being added to the VC council on the battleground so that these situation can be taken care of in the best way possible. The people selected will be CO’s from other clans who have shown the ability to be neutral in their decisions and have had sufficient experience in Clan matches. I will continue to do my best to keep things like these from turning ugly and I would like any suggestions or complaints to be forwarded to me personally.
Match report by Ace*AUS*