News archive
*AUS* tribute to ace... -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Thursday, December 25 2003
Ace has completely left *AUS* and VC for good, so I have thrown together a small flash presentation just to thank ace for some great times. Without ace, *AUS* as well as VC communities all over the world would not be the same. Thank you.
Cheers Ace.
Merry Christmas from *AUS* -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Sunday, December 21 2003
On behalf of everyone in *AUS* I would like to wish all of you a happy and safe christmas.
Have fun!
Mythx and tips -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Monday, December 15 2003
More myths and tips for you.
Myth: Hradba always is accurate. No it is not always accurate, there is some false detections you can read an FAQ on hradba here: and if you get kicked falsely have a look there, you might find what the problem is!
Tip: If you are in a clan, voice communication is essential. Teamspeak is a top notch client for voice comms, check it out at and have a look at 's teamspeak server. It really is the secret to clan success!
DM Comp and Demo server to celebrate VC's birthday! -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Monday, December 8 2003
Vietcong's birthday is coming up on Saturday Dec 13th, and *AUS* are celebrating with a DM competition,and a demo server!
Note: All times listed below are AEST (NSW/VIC time - GMT +11)
DM Competition
This competition is played on 1 day (Saturday the 13th of December) and consists of 3 x 30 minute rounds. Anyone is welcome to play all three matches, but only their best two will count (eg if I got 25, 35 and 50, only 35 and 50 would count). At the end of the day, the person with the highest frag count wins! All players must register with us to play (link below), although if you decide at the last minute you want to play you may contact us and we will arrange something. The server's will be passworded. Each round will be admined by at least one *AUS* officer, at all times must you listen to them and do what they say. Failure to do so will result in removal from the server.
Pterodon have very kindly sponsored us a copy of Fist Alpha, to go to the winner of the Deathmatch competition! So sign up now to be in for a chance to win it! A huge thanks for Pterodon for helping us out.
Map: Stream, 50 players
Server: *AUS*
Passworded: Yes
Round times: 3pm, 6pm and 8pm
- No teamwork
- *AUS* have the right to refuse entry to any person they wish.
- *AUS* members can play but cannot win.
- No using of cheats/glitches.
- Only Australian and New Zealand residents may enter.
- No whinging about lag.
Server settings:
End rule: time - 30 mins
Weapon respawn: 15 secs
Hradba anticheat: on, punish level: medium
Respawn invulnerability: 3 secs
Vietnam mode: on
Click here to register to play
Demo server
At 9pm we are planning on putting a demo server up for an hour or two, to relive the old days of fun, fun and fun. Again, you must tell us you are coming, due to the need to password the server. We will be playing on v0.98. The use of cheats/exploits is strictly not allowed and will result in you being removed rom the server. Again, Australian and New Zealand residents only need apply (*AUS* has the right to make exceptions).
Click here to register to play
Click here to download the Vietcong demo
Vietcongv0.98 patch
VC State of origin league... -- Posted by ICECaNNoN on Monday, December 8 2003
There is a tournament running now, that runs as a sort of state of origin. You sign up to your states team and play against other states in a league style competition. Alot of people have entered and its alot of fun.
Visit for more info...